• What is Reiki

    Reiki, pronounced “ray-key”, is a holistic form of healing, using the universal life force energy. The practitioner is the conduit between the client and the source of the life force energy. During the treatment, the practitioner moves over the client’s seven chakra points (specific energy locations). The client frequently experiences sensations such as heat, tingling, or pressure in the area where the practitioner is working. It is very relaxing and peaceful, and the client may even fall asleep during the treatment.

    Reiki is beneficial for anyone!

  • What are the benefits of Reiki?

    •Stress reduction
    •Pain relief
    •Aids in the recovery from loss and grief •Promotes restful sleep
    •Supports the well-being of the client who is receiving traditional medical treatment (ie chemotherapy, surgery, radiation, dialysis etc)
    •Unblocked flow of energy throughout the body
    •Helps with spiritual growth

  • How do distance sessions work?

    Distance Reiki works the same as an in-person session. Just as we are made up of a physical body, we also have energetic elements as well: our thoughts, emotions, our soul or spirit. Since energy cannot be limited by distance, Reiki can be given from any location, using the intent of the practitioner to send the healing energy, and the willingness of the client to receive it. If you think about other energies we cannot see, such as electricity, cell phones, and Wi-Fi, distance is not an obstacle; nor is it an obstacle for Reiki.

  • What can I expect from my first Reiki session?

    A Reiki session will consist of you lying down in a comfortable position. This is a spirit/angel led Reiki session where colors and images are shown to me, allowing me to clear and balance your energy. This can be used on a frequent basis to help relieve physical and mental stress, emotional wounds, and illness.

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